Adult 5-Week Classes

Artist taking an online art class

7141 Fabric Art
Instructor: Denise Banaag
Mondays, 12:30−3 PM
Want to work with fabric, but don’t want to sew? Fabric can be used for much more than just sewing! In this class, students will learn about quilts, landscapes, and abstractand object studies, as well as, basic art principles such as color, composition, and pattern. Students will create three to five finished pieces using an assortment of fibers and beads. While no sewing is required, students will have the opportunity to use a sewing machine to add to their work if they desire.
5 session(s): 10/28−11/25
Tuition: member $195, non-member $215
Materials fee: $26

7240 The Magic of Metal Clay
Instructor: Kelly Green Grady
Wednesdays, 6:30−9 PM
Metal clay is a unique material that consists of particles of metal suspended in an organic binder. It can be formed like clay, but when fired yields a solid metal object. Students will be introduced to working with a silver-based metal clay. Learn how to model, texture, and set stones in clay that will be fired to create beautiful finished pieces of jewelry. No jewelry experience necessary! Some materials provided. Additional materials to be discussed in first class.
5 session(s): 10/30−12/4 (no class on 11/20)
Tuition: member $240, non-member $260
Materials fee: $80

7131 Sketching for Every Artist
Instructor: Mary Jean Canziani
Mondays, 9:30 AM−12 PM
Every artist can improve their drawing abilities, whether as a basic foundation skill for work in another medium or for the simple pleasure of sketching itself. Develop your observational and rendering skills through sketching in charcoal and pencil from still lifes, photos, and plein air studies (weather permitting). Emphasis will be on creating accurate and simplified drawings as students learn to think in basic shapes and gestural lines. Principles such as line quality and tonal values will be addressed. Sketches by noted artists will be discussed in class to reinforce concepts.
5 session(s): 10/28−11/25
Tuition: member $200, non-member $220

7169 Inner Landscapes
Instructor: Mary Jean Canziani
Tuesdays, 9:30 AM−12 PM
Interior rooms and spaces can project many personalities or moods. In this class, students will use their indoor surroundings as inspiration to create paintings of rooms that are imbued with much more than their actual furnishings. Students will learn the basics of light and shadow, perspective, composition, and value. The painting style will focus on expression and drama rather than making actual architectural renderings. Students are welcome to work in their choice of media and can bring their own references to use. The instructor will have many examples of interior paintings to choose from as well, including art historical images by Matisse, Hopper, and Vermeer.
5 session(s): 10/29−11/26
Tuition: member $200, non-member $220

7262 Introduction to Watercolor Pencils
Instructor: Traci Zaretzka
Thursdays, 6:30−9 PM
Watercolor pencils are a versatile medium. Experiment with a variety of watercolor pencil techniques: using them as traditional watercolors, drawing with them and blending colors with water, drawing on wet paper for bold vibrant colors, and using them for fine details. The first part of the workshop will be a series of small drawings applying the different techniques. In the second part of the workshop, students will have the opportunity to create their own small watercolor paintings using any or all of the techniques learned in class.
5 session(s): 10/31−12/5 (no class on 11/28)
Tuition: member $200, non-member $220