Kid Painting & Drawing Classes

6780 Explorations in Watercolor (ages 10–14)
Instructor: Kat Block
Mondays, 4–6 PM
Come and explore the possibilities of this vibrant and versatile medium. Learn various painting techniques, how to make textures in watercolor using a variety of materials, and how to layer and blend color to create luminosity. Students can reproduce the painting demonstrated in class or work from their own sketch or photo reference. Individual attention will be emphasized. Some materials provided.
5 sessions: 4/1–5/6 (no class on 4/22)
Tuition: member $175, non-member $195
Materials fee: $15
6782 Drawn to Drawing: The Young Artist’s Sketchbook (ages 7–10) (9 weeks)
Instructor: Katie Truk
Mondays, 5:30–6:30 PM
Does your child draw all the time? Like a sport, drawing is a skill that improves with practice. This class will build upon basic drawing skills, such as contour lines and shading, to give students confidence in their abilities. In addition, at the beginning of the session, a sketchbook will be given to students for additional, although not mandatory, practice at home (fun and creativity are always the main priority!) to help reinforce lessons and develop skills learned in class.
9 sessions: 4/1–6/10 (no class on 4/22, 5/27)
Tuition: member $230, non-member $250
Materials fee: $35
6777 Explore Drawing & Painting (ages 6–9)
Instructor: Denise Banaag
Mondays, 6–7 PM
Explore the principles of drawing and painting in this hands-on, multi-media class. Learn about 2D fundamentals such as line, shape, composition, and color. Students will explore a variety of materials including graphite, charcoal, pastel, paint, and more. Please bring a smock or wear play clothes.
8 sessions: 4/1–6/10 (no class on 4/15, 4/22, 5/27)
Tuition: member $200, non-member $220
Materials fee: $33
6802 Draw Your Art Out! (ages 7–9)
Instructor: Alicia Cotter
Tuesdays, 4–5:30 PM
Dive into drawing in this fun and dynamic class! Explore new drawing techniques in a variety of black & white and color media such as pencil, charcoal, and pastel. Learn core principles like how to use light and shadow to make your drawings pop, proportions, blending colors, and more.
9 sessions: 4/2–6/4 (no class on 5/14)
Tuition: member $285, non-member $315
Materials fee: $32
6809 Drawn to Drawing: The Young Artist’s Sketchbook (ages 7–10)
Instructor: Katie Truk
Tuesdays, 6–7 PM
Does your child draw all the time? Like a sport, drawing is a skill that improves with practice. This class will build upon basic drawing skills, such as contour lines and shading, to give students confidence in their abilities. In addition, at the beginning of the session, a sketchbook will be given to students for additional, although not mandatory, practice at home (fun and creativity are always the main priority!) to help reinforce lessons and develop skills learned in class.
10 sessions: 4/2–6/4
Tuition: member $253, non-member $273
Materials fee: $38
6829 Inspired by the Masters (ages 5–6)
Instructor: Alicia Cotter
Wednesdays, 4–5:30 PM
Each week, students will learn about an artist from history and step into their shoes to create different kinds of artwork. From drawing to painting, the instructor will introduce the following artists based on their unique art style such as Kusama dots, Rousseau animals, Warhol flowers, Matisse shapes, and more! All materials included.
9 sessions: 4/3–6/5 (no class on 5/8)
Tuition: member $285, non-member $315
Materials fee: $36
6828 Introduction to Drawing & Painting (ages 6–9)
Instructor: Katie Truk
Wednesdays, 5:30–6:30 PM
Is your child fascinated by drawing and painting? We teach the fundamentals of composition and perspective through still lifes and photographic sources, while broadening techniques and creativity. Explore color, shading, texture, and most importantly, imagination! Repeat students are welcome.
10 sessions: 4/3–6/5
Tuition: member $253, non-member $273
Materials fee: $36
6834 Fantasy Genre Drawing (ages 9–16)
Instructor: Doug Baron
Wednesdays, 6–8 PM
Are you a fan of fantasy fiction, films, and anime? Join Doug Baron on a fantastic journey with popular characters from Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings, Fullmetal Alchemist, and more. Learn how to draw fantasy classics such as dragons, unicorns, and other mythical creatures. Students will work in a variety of media such as acrylic paint, India ink, charcoal, and pastel.
10 sessions: 4/3–6/5
Tuition: member $338, non-member $368
Materials fee: $42
6869 Fundamentals of Drawing & Painting (ages 11–13)
Instructor: Andrea Gianchiglia
Thursdays, 4–5:30 PM
Build a foundation! Study composition, perspective, proportion, color theory, and values while creating still lifes, landscapes, portraiture, figure drawing, and more. Talk about art concepts with demonstrations and step-by-step lessons to gain an understanding of what makes strong drawings and paintings. Materials fee covers the clothed live model and some supplemented supplies.
9 sessions: 4/4–5/30
Tuition: member $285, non-member $315
Materials fee: $38
6865 Paint Your Art Out! (ages 7–9)
Instructor: Alicia Cotter
Thursdays, 4–5:30 PM
Dive into painting in this fun and dynamic class! Explore new techniques and subject matters in both acrylic and watercolor paints. Learn about the color wheel, light and shadow, blending colors, and more!
9 sessions: 4/4–6/6 (no class on 5/9)
Tuition: member $285, non-member $315
Materials fee: $32
6871 Introduction to Illustration (ages 8–12)
Instructor: Kat Block
Thursdays, 6:30–8 PM
Discover an art that fosters creativity and challenges the boundaries of your imagination: illustration! Working from a selection of fables, folklore, scenarios, and prompts, students will get a chance to hone in on their personal style while learning how to develop characters and narratives within their artwork. Students will take inspiration from famous illustrators such as Beatrix Potter, Richard Scarry, and Maurice Sendak. A variety of mediums such as watercolor, gouache, and colored pencils will be used to create illustrations, mini storybooks, faux advertisements, and so much more.
5 sessions: 4/4–5/2
Tuition: member $164, non-member $174
Materials fee: $22
6880 Comics, Cartoons & Anime Drawing (ages 9–16)
Instructor: Doug Baron
Fridays, 4–5:30 PM
Calling all comics, cartoons, and anime lovers! Explore drawing popular characters and work on simple and effective techniques for creating your own character concepts. Master a unique style of creating cartoon, anime, and comic art–and have fun!
10 sessions: 4/5–6/7
Tuition: member $317, non-member $347
Materials fee: $42
6889 Drawing & Painting (ages 9–12)
Instructor: Stephen Yavorski
Saturdays, 10–11:30 AM
Raise the bar and reach the next level! Refine drawing and painting skills using charcoal, pastel, paint, and more through demonstrations, discussions, and individual attention. Explore the fundamentals of drawing and painting combined with imagination.
10 sessions: 4/6–6/15 (no class on 5/25)
Tuition: member $317, non-member $347
Materials fee: $42
6888 Cartoons & Anime Drawing (ages 7–10)
Instructor: Doug Baron
Saturdays, 10–11:30 AM
Are you a cartoon/anime/manga-lover? Create characters! Explore comic book and manga-style drawing from dynamic perspectives to classic anime/manga facial features. We draw popular characters and work on simple and effective techniques for drawing and creating concepts. Master a unique style of creating cartoon, anime, and comic art—and have fun!
10 sessions: 4/6–6/15 (no class on 5/25)
Tuition: member $317, non-member $347
Materials fee: $42
6936 NEW! Draw, Paint, Create! (ages 6–9)
Instructor: Vanessa Lopez
Saturdays, 12–1:30 PM
If your child loves to draw and paint, this class is perfect for them! Students will create several artworks during the duration of the class. In addition to a main art project, every week students will keep and work in a sketchbook. Students will be exposed to a variety of materials such as pencil, acrylic paint, watercolor, ink, papier-mâché, and more. All materials included.
10 sessions: 4/13–6/22 (no class on 5/25)
Tuition: member $317, non-member $347
Materials fee: $42
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