Adult Printmaking Classes

Artist taking an online art class

6915 NEW! Multi-Layer Prints on the Press
Instructor: Kristian Battell
Tuesdays, 12:30–3 PM
This class is a follow-up to Introduction to Tetra-Pak Printmaking. Students will apply their etching skills they learned in part one to create multi-layered prints on the press. Students will explore various monotype techniques such as trace, stencil, and painterly to use in combination with their dry-point etchings. Class time will consist of demonstrations, discussions, open press time and one-on-one work with the instructor. Taking Introduction to Tetra-Pak Printmaking is recommended, but not required. Some materials provided.
5 sessions: 5/14–6/11
Tuition: member $185, non-member $205
Materials fee: $35