Adult Painting & Drawing Classes
6539 Painting from Photographs
Instructor: Mary Jean Canziani
Tuesdays, 9:30 AM–12 PM
Creating successful paintings from photographic references goes beyond simply copying. Learn how to analyze and redesign images to produce stronger compositions. By sketching basic shapes and values, decide what to leave in and what to edit out. Changing or introducing new colors will also be discussed. Students may work in their choice of wet media and use their own or copyright-free photos. Painting techniques, including how to transfer their finished sketch to canvas through the grid system will be demonstrated and discussed.
6539 5 sessions: 2/20–3/19
Tuition: member $190, non-member $210
6566 Inner Landscapes
Instructor: Mary Jean Canziani
Thursdays, 9:30 AM–12 PM
In this class, students will be inspired by indoor spaces to create rooms that are imbued with much more than their actual furnishings. Interior rooms are spaces that can project many personalities or moods that have an effect on one’s feelings. Students will have the choice to include figures, depict a whole room, or focus on a detail within the space. Each week, the class will view and discuss interior paintings from noted artists like Matisse, Vermeer, and Hopper. These will inspire students’ ideas on how to approach their own painting. Students are encouraged to bring images of rooms they are inspired by or use photos of their personal space. Work in your choice of painting media.
5 sessions: 2/22–3/21
Tuition: member $190, non-member $210
6577 Introduction to Colored Pencils
Instructor: Sandy Ruda
Thursdays, 12:30–3 PM
Come learn the basics of rendering three-dimensional, life-like images in colored pencil! Principles such as color theory, color observation, composition, and layering techniques will help students achieve painterly effects in this unique medium. Discussion of materials including papers and the use of solvents and gel pens will be included.
6577 5 sessions: 2/22–3/21
Tuition: member $190, non-member $210
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