Adult Sculpture Classes

Artist taking an online art class

5592 Sculpture
Instructor: Katie Truk
Wednesdays, 9:30 AM–12 PM
Explore 3D forms in clay, paper clay, papier-mâché, polymer, or plaster. This class gives intermediate to advanced students the opportunity to work on individual projects. We approach traditional and contemporary methods to enable you to find your creative voice and achieve an understanding of aesthetics in sculpture. Some materials provided; additional materials to be discussed in the first class.
8 sessions: 1/11–3/1
Tuition: member $305, non-member $335
Materials fee: $48

5604 Experimenting with Mixed Media in 2D & 3D
Instructor: Katie Truk
Wednesdays, 1–3 PM
With a little imagination, anything can become a sculpture. Experiment with using and combining different mediums such as plaster, clay, fabric/fiber, papier-mâché, or anything else that inspires you. Learn the language and techniques of using adhesives. Take your sculpting vision and abilities to the next level! Some materials provided; additional materials to be discussed in the first class.
8 sessions: 1/11–3/1
Tuition: member $255, non-member $275
Materials fee: $34