Adult Ceramics Classes

Artist taking an online art class

5516 NEW! Tile-tastic! Slab-Rolled Tile Creations
Instructor: Melissa Krishnamurthy
Tuesdays, 12:45–3:15 PM
The slab roller makes creating large, uniform, flat clay slabs a breeze. Slabs can then be cut into tiles for a wide array of functional and decorative pieces. Take a deep dive into the versatility of tiles while making project such as wall sculptures, clocks, house number plaques, and more by utilizing the slab roller.
5 sessions: 2/21–3/21
Tuition: member $190, non-member $210
Materials fee: $25

5855 The Magic of Metal Clay
Instructor: Kelly Green Grady
Wednesdays, 6:30–9 PM
Metal clay is a unique material that consists of particles of metal suspended in an organic binder. It can be formed like clay, but when fired yields a solid metal object. Students will be introduced to working with PMC3; a silver-based metal clay. Learn how to model, texture and set stones in PMC3 that will be fired to create beautiful finished pieces of jewelry. No jewelry experience necessary! Some materials provided. Additional materials to be discussed in first class.
5 Sessions: 2/22– 3/22
Tuition: $235
Materials fee: $68