Adult Painting & Drawing Classes

A Painting Class in a studio

5213 Draw Everything with Confidence
Instructor: Stephen Yavorski
Mondays, 6–8:30 PM
Build confidence in your drawing skills! Learn how to take what you see in our 3D world and successfully translate it to a flat paper surface through clear instruction on the principles of drawing. If you feel ready to take your work to the next level, you may develop your drawings into paintings.
6 sessions: 7/11–8/15
Tuition: member $190, non-member $210

5210 NEW! Introduction to Pastel
Instructor: Mark de Mos
Mondays, 6:30–9 PM
In this introductory pastel class, students will learn to use the expressive and colorful medium of pastel sticks to their full potential. Over the course of the semester, students will gain techniques such as color mixing and blending while working on simple paintings, still lifes, and subject matters of their own choice.
6 sessions: 7/11–8/15
Tuition: member $190, non-member $210

5212 NEW! Learning to Paint in Oils
Instructor: Duane Lutsko
Mondays, 6:30–9 PM
This foundational course will explore the essential concepts and techniques of oil painting, emphasizing the careful observation of subjects ranging from still lifes to self-portraits and the figure. Topics covered include basic technical control of materials and tools, methods of paint application, color mixing, and the preparation of the painting surface (paper, hardboard, and canvas). Visual presentations will help convey the medium’s nearly limitless expressive potential through a variety of historical and contemporary examples to inspire your own work.
6 sessions: 7/11–8/15
Tuition: member $190, non-member $210

5224 Portrait Painting
Instructor: Dustin Adamson
Tuesdays, 6:30–9 PM
This intensive portrait class focuses on drawing correctly from nature as a basic skill and the foundation for good painting. Students will be working from a live model while being introduced to using a limited palette. Working with a limited color palette (white, yellow, red, and black) enables students to simplify the process of accurately mixing flesh tones while keeping the painting harmonious. Students will work alongside the instructor as each stage of the process is explained and demonstrated. Emphasis will be placed on gesture, proportion, proper color mixing, and the flow of light in order to represent the true visual impression of the model in their environment. By decisively organizing and observing specific value shapes in relationship with structural and anatomical elements, the student further develops the ability to think as a painter.
6 sessions: 7/12–8/16
Tuition: member $190, non-member $210
Materials fee: $40

5215 Drawing the Figure with Confidence
Instructor: Joel Tidey
Tuesdays, 7–9:30 PM
Figure it out! Learn to simplify the complex nature of drawing the human form by getting familiar with basic anatomy to better understand the figure. Because our poses are short, you will be able to focus on how to initiate a figure drawing through basic structuring. Repetition and practice are key elements in expressing yourself with confidence. Please note: This class uses both female and male life (nude) models. Students under 18 years of age must have written permission from a parent or guardian to participate.
6 sessions: 7/12–8/16
Tuition: member $190, non-member $210
Materials fee: $40

5214 Plein Air Painting
Instructor: Duane Lutsko
Wednesdays, 6–8:30 PM
Throughout history, the dramatic potential of changing light and its expressive possibilities have captivated artists such as Whistler, Van Gogh, Ryder, and Turner. In this course, students of all levels will explore painting techniques for capturing light and atmosphere in the plein air landscape. The inherent simplicity of this approach offers unique opportunities for success with quick studies, as well as with more extended compositions. After mastering the basics of depicting form through value, students will explore the nuances of color palettes and paint application to render the emotive qualities of the landscape. Outside assignments will challenge the student to explore different light situations throughout the day. The class will travel to various local painting sites to work outdoors. In case of inclement weather, the class will take place indoors at the Art Center as scheduled. Oil paint is the recommended medium, but all media are welcome. The French-style Julian easel is also recommended.
6 sessions: 7/13–8/17
Tuition: member $190, non-member $210

5211 Watercolor: Pure & Simple
Instructor: Mark de Mos
Wednesdays, 6:30–9 PM
Create loose, expressive watercolor works based on weekly demonstrations which focus on specific concepts. Work from your own original reference photos and/or sketches or from a reference provided by the instructor.
6 sessions: 7/13–8/17
Tuition: member $190, non-member $210

5220 The Art of Portraiture
Instructor: Joel Tidey
Wednesdays, 7–9:30 PM
Examine the art of portraiture by drawing from a life model and/or photograph. Study key elements through a logical and informative approach by watching demonstrations and receiving individual instruction. Instruction begins with graphite and then progresses to your medium of choice. Please note: Only portrait and/or clothed models will be used.
6 sessions: 7/13–8/17
Tuition: member $190, non-member $210
Materials fee: $40

5225 Painting from Photographs
Instructor: Mary Jean Canziani
Thursdays, 6:30–9 PM
Take your favorite photo and give it new life in paint on canvas. Go beyond reproducing a photograph and discover possibilities that will allow you to enhance the image of your choice. First, make a sketch in order to identify basic shapes and elements in the photo, then discuss how to create a balanced composition by trying different things in your drawing. Design choices such as arranging items differently or altering colors will allow you to create a painting that is personalized and unique.
6 sessions: 7/14–8/18
Tuition: member $190, non-member $210