Adult Digital Media & Photography Classes
5273 Creative Photoshop Techniques
Instructor: Donald Polzo
Tuesdays, 6–8:30 PM
This course will give students the advanced tools to organize images and teach Photoshop techniques to create refined and expressive images for web applications or printing. Students will work with their own images in Photoshop to realize their potential and produce expressive finished pieces.
5 sessions: 7/12–8/9
Tuition: member $180, non-member $200
Materials fee: $22
5222 Personal Projects: Digital Printing Access
Instructor: Donald Polzo
Wednesdays, 4–6:30 PM
Continue to further your personal digital projects over the summer using the digital lab’s state-of-the-art Epson P9000 HDX Supercolor printer. Students will have supervised access to this fine art printer. Printing will be done through Photoshop CC or Lightroom Classic CC. Students will bring their own Epson compatible papers. Prerequisite: iMac computer experience, working knowledge of Photoshop CC and/or Lightroom Classic CC.
5 sessions: 7/13–8/10
Tuition: member $180, non-member $200
Materials fee: $22
5226 NEW! Digital Textile Design
Instructor: Janine Weiss
Thursdays, 6:30–9 PM
This class will focus on artistic design principles and use digital design tools and software to transform your hand-drawn illustration (in any medium: watercolor, gouache, acrylic, etc.) into a digital design. This design can then be modified or manipulated to create unique one-of-a-kind designs. Taught by a fashion designer with years of experience, this technique can be used to ultimately print a digital repeating design on fabric. In addition, the techniques learned in this class can be applied to other finished products, including wallpaper, tabletop items (napkins, tablecloths), wrapping paper, card design, and beyond. At the end of the class, the student will have portfolio-quality digital artworks to use as a springboard for future projects of their choice.
6 sessions: 7/14–8/18
Tuition: member $220, non-member $240
Materials fee: $25
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