Teen Digital Classes

Artist taking an online art class

6414 Exploring Digital Art (ages 13–17)
Instructor: Stephen Yavorski
Tuesdays, 6:30–8:30 PM
Digital art has never been more accessible than it is today. Explore digital painting and drawing techniques that will allow you to express yourself with the freedom only digital media provides—no cleanup needed! Learn how to use various tools in Photoshop and other programs, using Wacom tablets and Mac computers to create full-color landscapes, still lifes, portraits, and more. Tablets and computers are provided for use during class time.
10 sessions: 9/19–11/28 (no class on 10/31)
Tuition: member $400, non-member $430
Materials fee: $24

6287 NEW! Introduction to Graphic Design (ages 13–17)
Instructor: Denise Banaag
Thursdays, 6:30–8:30 PM
Graphic design is very prevalent in our world, from the logo on water bottles to the boxes breakfast cereal comes in. In this class, students will learn the basics of graphic design principles. Also, students will acquire skills in typography, page layout, the use of color and negative space, and more! They will have an opportunity to design logos, create packaging, and produce marketing materials. This class will be a combination of traditional graphic design and digital design. Some materials provided.
10 sessions: 9/21–12/7 (no class on 10/5 & 11/23)
Tuition: member $400, non-member $430
Materials fee: $22