Kid Fiber Classes

6275 NEW! Wonderful Weavings (ages 10–13)
Instructor: Denise Banaag
Mondays, 6–7:30 PM
Weaving is a fun way to make fabric, but it’s also a great way to express your creativity! In this class, students will learn to weave both practical and decorative textiles using a frame loom. Students will gain skills in warping a loom, weaving consistent fabric, creating a pattern in their weaving, and more! One of the projects will include creating a small practical item like a change purse or ring dish. Students will have the opportunity to make a collaborative weaving project on a larger loom.
10 sessions: 9/18–12/4 (no class on 9/25 & 10/9)
Tuition: member $317, non-member $347
Materials fee: $38
6286 NEW! Ab-SEW-lutely Art (ages 10–14)
Instructor: Denise Banaag
Thursdays, 4–6 PM
Come express your creativity while learning how to sew! Students will be encouraged to express their personal fashion style while making and embellishing simple sewing projects. Students will learn how to hand sew as well as use the sewing machine. Basics of embroidery, beading, fabric painting, and other embellishing techniques will also be taught. Students may also get an opportunity to learn some fabric dying techniques.
10 sessions: 9/21–12/7 (no class on 10/5 & 11/23)
Tuition: member $338, non-member $368
Materials fee: $45
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