Adult Painting & Drawing Classes

Artist taking an online art class

6325 Sketching for Every Artist
Instructor: Mary Jean Canziani
Mondays, 9:30 AM–12 PM
Every artist can improve their drawing abilities, whether as a basic foundation skill for work in another medium or for the simple pleasure of sketching itself. Develop your observational and rendering skills through sketching in charcoal and pencil from still lifes, photos, and plein air studies (weather permitting). Emphasis will be on creating accurate and simplified drawings as students learn to think in basic shapes and gestural lines. Principles such as line quality and tonal values will be addressed. Sketches by noted artists will be discussed to reinforce concepts in class.
5 sessions: 10/30–11/27
Tuition: member $190, non-member $210

6271 NEW! Inner Landscapes
Instructor: Mary Jean Canziani
Tuesdays, 9:30 AM–12 PM
In this class, students will be inspired by indoor spaces to create rooms that are imbued with much more than their actual furnishings. Interior rooms are spaces that can project many personalities or moods that have an effect on one’s feelings. Students will have the choice to include figures or be vacant, depict a whole room, or focus on a detail within the space. Each week, the class will view and discuss interior paintings from noted artists like Matisse, Vermeer, and Hopper. These will inspire their own ideas on how to approach their painting. Students are encouraged to bring images of rooms they are inspired by or take some photos of their personal space. Work in your choice of painting media.
5 sessions: 10/31–11/28
Tuition: member $190, non-member $210

6417 Painting from A−Z
Instructor: Sandy Ruda
Tuesdays, 6:30–9 PM
This general painting class places the emphasis on oil painting, but you may work in the medium of your choice. Each class will begin with a short talk or demonstration covering multiple topics. Explore your inspiration and discover your vision!
6417 5 sessions: 10/31–11/28
Tuition: member $190, non-member $210

6385 Introduction to Colored Pencils
Instructor: Sandy Ruda
Thursdays, 12:30–3 PM
Come learn the basics of rendering three-dimensional, life-like images in colored pencils. Principles such as color theory, color observation, composition, and layering techniques will help students achieve painterly effects in this unique medium. Discussion of materials including papers and the use of solvents and gel pens will be included.
6385 5 sessions: 11/2–12/7 (no class on 11/23)
Tuition: member $190, non-member $210