Adult Ceramics Classes
Materials fee covers firing and glazing.
6357 New Approaches to Glazing & Finishing Ceramics
Instructor: Melissa Krishnamurthy
Tuesdays, 12:45–3:15 PM
In this 5-week class, come try something new and add some fun tricks to your glazing and finishing repertoire. You will learn how to use slip and underglaze, create monoprints, and use the sgraffito technique to carve designs into leather hard clay. You can experiment with bubble-glazing by trying dishwashing soap mixed with glaze. You can even explore making stencils on a Cricut machine to mask off areas before glazing. Both wheel throwers and handbuilders are welcome. Please bring both bisque-fired and leather-hard pieces for glazing and decorating. New pieces can also be created.
5 sessions: 11/14–12/12
Tuition: member $200, non-member $220
Materials fee: $32
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