Cabin Fever Artist Talk: Nancy Cohen

During our closure due to the ongoing health crisis, the Art Center is working on ways to bring art to you at home, virtually. This is one such effort, which we’re playfully calling Cabin Fever Artist Talks. For these, we’ve asked artists to tell us a little about themselves and their work. In some cases, they’ll be answering questions provided by the Art Center. In others, they’ll be showing us around their studio or highlighting works in progress.

For this installment, we’ll be hearing from Nancy Cohen, whose work will be exhibiting at the Art Center in 2021. Here, the artist shows us around her studio in Jersey City, NJ. She talks about her art-making process, the meaning behind her work, and shows us pieces in progress that are part of her ongoing series “The Work of Time.” To learn more about the artist, visit her website here.

To view a lesson plan based on Nancy’s artist talk, click here.

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