Jill Kerwick

As the Covid-19 health crisis continues, the Visual Arts Center of New Jersey is working on ways to bring art to you at home, virtually. This is another installment of our ongoing series we call Cabin Fever Artist Talks. For these, we’ve asked artists to tell us a little about themselves and their work. In some cases, they’ll be answering questions provided by the Art Center. In others, they’ll be showing us around their studio or highlighting works in progress.

For this edition, we hear from artist Jill Kerwick. Kerwick’s artistic practice includes her many farm animals, painting, ceramic ladies head vases, and other thrift shop finds. She videos or photographs miniature stage sets. This process grew out of a longstanding interest in traditional collage. Collage is apparent in her recent paintings. In 1995 she earned her MA from NYU in Fine Arts and in1978 received her BFA from Moore College of Art.

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