Jennifer Markovitz: Torn Visions
Ann’s Place Gallery
December 5, 2020–January 24, 2021
Jennifer Markovitz, Flat Iron Collage, 2020, Mixed Media Collage
Artist’s Statement:
2020 has been a difficult and challenging year. Between the global pandemic, political divide, and racial injustices, our lives have been forever altered. These collages began early in March when I started sending them to friends and family to brighten their days of monotony. I continue to make them to help find purpose and a creative outlet.
As with everything in life, the current crises have not affected everyone equally. I consider myself very fortunate to have my health, my family/friends, my home, and the financial stability that many others do not. In an effort to support our local community, all proceeds from the sale of these collages will be donated to Bridges Outreach in Summit, NJ whose mission is to end homelessness through volunteer-driven outreach and individual case management focusing on health, housing, and independence. Each year more than 2,000 volunteers deliver 65,000 brown bag meals, 10,000 pairs of socks and underwear, 7,500 toiletry kits, 49,000 cups of soup, and literally tons of donated clothing to over 21,000 people in New York City, Newark, and Irvington, NJ. Thank you for your support. Stay well, stay positive, and let’s hope for a better 2021.
Artist’s Bio
Jennifer Markovitz is a New Jersey-based artist working primarily in mixed media, printmaking, and collage. She received her BFA in painting and printmaking from Cornell University and her Masters from Seton Hall University in museum studies. She has exhibited in group and juried shows at North of History Gallery, NY, NY, Garrison Art Center, Garrison, NY, The Visual Arts Center, Summit, NJ, Montclair Art Museum, Montclair, NJ, FIAF French Institute, Montclair NJ, The A Space Gallery, New Hope, PA, LITM Gallery, Jersey City, NJ and the JCC in Whippany, NJ. She has worked as a docent at the Museum of Tolerance in Manhattan, The Visual Arts Center in Summit, NJ, and is currently a docent at The Museum of Arts and Design in New York, NY.
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