Upcoming Events

Summer Art Camp, Week 9
August 16, 2021 - August 21, 2021
Kids (ages 5–9)
NEW! Appetite for Art
August 16–20, 10 AM–3 PM
Dig in! This NEW week of camp will feature art projects inspired by delicious foods and snacks. Campers will learn several art techniques while creating projects like clay pizzas, mixed-berry collages, and candy-wrapper illustrations.
Tweens (ages 10–12)
Graffiti and Essential Drawing and Painting WAITLIST ONLY
August 16–20, 10 AM–3 PM
Graffiti: Make art with your mark! Tweens will create their own tag using soft and sharp shapes, wild style, or Gothic font. Learn how to create 3D letters using perspective and make connected letters that flow. Tweens will draw a background setting and arrange graffiti into an aesthetically pleasing composition. Fine art concepts such as composition, perspective, and color theory, will all be taught alongside graffiti painting techniques. To promote a healthy environment, spray paint will not be used in this camp.
Essential Drawing and Painting Techniques: This camp is perfect for the tween looking to develop the foundational skills of drawing and painting. Tweens will use their observational skills and gain familiarity with diverse media (such as graphite, charcoal, and acrylics) through drawing exercises that may include gesture drawings, blind contours, and contour drawings. Linear perspective, color theory, and building form with light and shadow will also be covered as tweens render their artistic creations.
Teens (ages 13+)
Assemblage and Painting with Pastels
August 16–20, 10 AM–3 PM
Assemblage: Teens will transform everyday items into expressive, personal sculptures! Imagine all the artistic possibilities in combining materials such as paper, plastic, clay, and wire with found objects. Through demonstrations and hands-on practice, teens will learn various techniques to manipulate the materials and create one-of-a-kind sculptures.
Painting with Pastels: Pastel straddles the line between painting and drawing. During this camp, teens will be introduced to the essentials needed to draw and paint using pastels. This will include fundamentals such as drawing, light and shadow, composition, color theory, and basic perspective. Both still life and landscape will be incorporated to create finished works of art.