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NEW! Out of this World! (ages 5-9) WAITLIST ONLY
August 15–19, 10 AM–3 PM
Art is the star of this ALL-NEW week of camp, featuring projects inspired by outer space. Kids will create projects that are truly out-of-this-world, such as moon prints, ceramic aliens, and pastel galaxy paintings.

Assemblage and Essential Drawing & Painting Techniques (ages 10-12) WAITLIST ONLY
August 15–19, 10 AM–3 PM
Assemblage: Tweens will transform everyday items into expressive, personal sculptures! Imagine all the artistic possibilities in combining materials such as paper, plastic, clay, and wire with found objects. Through demonstrations and hands-on practice, tweens will learn various techniques to manipulate the materials and create one-of-a-kind sculptures.
Essential Drawing & Painting Techniques: This camp is perfect for the tween looking to develop the foundational skills of drawing and painting.  Tweens will use their observational skills and gain familiarity with diverse media (such as graphite, charcoal, and acrylics) through drawing exercises that may include gesture drawings, blind contours, and contour drawings. Linear perspective, color theory, and building form with light and shadow will also be covered as tweens render their artistic creations.

Photography & Digital Photo Editing (ages 10-12)
August 15–19, 10 AM–12:15 PM
Capture and edit images to create expressive photographs. Tweens will learn the basic concepts of photography, experimenting with light, composition, depth of field, and more. Tweens will gain an understanding of how to use a digital camera and will spend time in the digital lab editing their photographs. Students will need to bring a digital camera or smartphone with a camera for this camp. They must also have a portable storage device, such as a thumb drive, for saving their progress in class.

NEW! Fiber Arts and Papermaking & Mixed Media (ages 13+)
August 15–19, 10 AM–3 PM
Fiber Arts: Explore the wonderful world of fiber arts through color, texture, and pattern! Teens will learn the basics of how to warp and weave on a loom to create different textiles that are functional or purely decorative. Campers will be creating several skill-building projects during this exciting week of camp. Set up the loom and let the creativity unfold!
NEW! Papermaking & Mixed Media: Open up a world of possibilities with mixed media. In this camp, teens will start by learning how to make paper and then use it as the basis of their mixed media project. They will learn techniques such as layering paper, mono-printing, and collage. Teens will have the choice to use interesting materials such as yarn, fabric, dried flowers, pages from old books, paint, and more to create their mixed media artwork.

Photography & Digital Photo Editing (ages 13+)
August 15–19, 12:453 PM
Capture and edit images to create expressive photographs. Teens will learn the basic concepts of photography, experimenting with light, composition, depth of field, and more. Teens will gain an understanding of how to use a digital camera and will spend time in the digital lab editing their photographs. Students will need to bring a digital camera or smartphone with a camera for this course. They must also have a portable storage device, such as a thumb drive, for saving their progress in class.


August 15, 2022
August 19, 2022