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Join the Dreamcatcher Repertory Theater for the return of Summer Solos (formerly Monologues@MONDO), the weekly solo reading series! All tickets $20 (advance sales only) and readings will be done on the law of the Art Center. Bring your own blanket or lawn chairs, picnic, and/or snacks! Rain dates for all performances are the Thursday following the scheduled date.

Wednesday, July 14 at 6:30 PM (rain date Thursday, July 15 at 6:30 PM)
I Hate This (a play without the baby) by David Hansen
David and his wife Toni learn at her 30-week check-up that their unborn child has died. Jumping back and forth between two timelines, David tells the story of the 36 hours between learning this truth and the birth of their first child, as well as the year that follows—detailing the frustration, recrimination, guilt, sorrow, and ultimate acceptance of their son’s death.

Featuring: Jason Szamreta

Purchase tickets here.


July 14, 2021
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM